Vision And Aims
Mission Statement
At St. Patrick’s P.S. we aim to foster a caring, supportive environment within a well ordered school community, where staff and pupils can work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect, so that each and every individual can achieve the highest level of intellectual, personal, physical and social development of which he/she is capable, within the context of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.
- To provide a safe, secure, stimulating learning environment.
- To provide a relevant and balanced curriculum that fulfils the needs of all pupils, in a motivating and meaningful context, taking account of their past experiences and future learning needs.
- To recognise and acknowledge that all our pupils have talents and to nurture each child’s potential.
- To develop a pupil’s self-esteem and self-confidence and to encourage an appreciation of personal achievements and aspirations.
- To foster, in partnership with parents and pupils, a system of pastoral care which promotes each pupils’ respect for themselves, others and the environment and which develops important values such as self-discipline, honesty, kindness and forgiveness so that they can become useful and responsible members of society.
- To ensure that each pupil leaves our school equipped, as far as he/she is personally capable, with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary for living in a changing social, political, cultural and technological environment.
- To promote the development of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.
- To create an inclusive environment where diversity among individuals is embraced, celebrated and responded to and equal opportunities are available to all.
- To establish a creative and secure educational partnership between the school, the home, the parish and the wider community.
- To develop a love for learning and a motivation to ask questions and to make informed decisions and to prepare pupils to take a positive role in future learning, beyond St. Patrick’s P.S.
- To ensure that each child has a respect for and a commitment to their faith. That they are able to pray and have developed a sense of a relationship with God and a sense of belonging to a faith community.
(Reviewed August, 2021)
Vision For The Future
- To continue to promote the strong Catholic ethos of the school.
- To ensure that pupils and staff feel safe, happy and successful.
- To maintain the high standards of pastoral care within the school.
- To continue to develop provision in SEN in line with new developments and guidance.
- To maintain the positive, caring environment through continued partnership between the school, home, parish and wider community.
- To ensure effective methods of consultation with all stakeholders.
- To ensure high standards in the delivery of the curriculum and pupil achievement.
- To continue to develop shared leadership through the role of co-ordinators and senior management within the school.
- To ensure that the school continues to meet the requirements brought about by changes to the curriculum and ICT, including remote learning.
- To ensure the continued professional development of all staff in order to maintain the high standards of pastoral care and teaching and learning.
- To continue to incorporate curricular and pastoral changes and initiatives in whole school development.
- To ensure that staff have an input into school development work.
- To increase pupil participation in important decisions relating to school life.
- To continue to develop the use of the outdoor environment to enhance teaching and learning, through Forest School Sessions, Eco-Committee activities, etc.
- To maintain an attractive, stimulating, learning environment for pupils and staff.
- To ensure continuing improvements in provision of curricular resources
- To ensure effective transition arrangements at all appropriate stages.
- To ensure continuing improvements in security, maintenance and resourcing of the premises.
- To continue to improve standards for all learners through effective self-evaluation.
(Revised August, 2021)

St Patrick’s Primary School, 171 Newtownsaville Rd, Eskra, Omagh BT78 2RJ
T: 028 8284 1067 | E: