
Our Eco-Committee has been up and running for a number of years now. We achieved the Green Flag Award in June, 2023 in recognition of our contributions to promoting the Eco Schools programme throughout the school.
Eco - Committee Members 2024 – 2025
Chairperson: Caragh McCarroll (Year Six)
Secretary: Elizabeth Mellon (Year Six)
Treasurer: Hannah Donnelly (Year Six)
Class Reps:
Year 7
Aoife Donnelly
Conor Corrigan
Noah Woods
Year 6
Calum Woods
Mary Dillon
Year 5
Darragh Meegan
Rose Scullion
Martha Mellon
Year 4
Aideen Donnelly
James McGirr
Orlágh McCrory
WAU Coordinator (Teaching Principal) – Mrs. Keira McCallan
Assistant WAU Coordinator (Teacher)– Mrs. Doreen Barrett
Governor Nominee (Health And Safety): Mrs. Caroline McCarroll
Staff Nominee (Building Supervisor): Mr. John Carson
Parent Nominee (Volunteer): Mrs. Pauline Connolly
ICT Support: Mrs. Bronagh Shevlin (SENCA and SENSA)
We have great plans for our outdoor environment. Check out our termly Herbie's Herald newsletter to see what we have been up to.
Eco News
St Patrick’s Primary School, 171 Newtownsaville Rd, Eskra, Omagh BT78 2RJ
T: 028 8284 1067 | E: