Playground Buddies

Our Playground Buddy system was first established in 2011 and has grown from strength to strength since. There are currently 13 Playground Buddies from the Year 6 and 7 class. Year 6 pupils stand in for Year 7, if they are absent.
The Playground Buddy system was set up so that children can get involved in making playtime more friendly, fun and safer for everyone. Playground Buddies are there to assist members of staff who are on duty at playtimes.
The role of the Playground Buddy includes the following: befriending lonely children, helping those who might be hurt or frightened, teaching games to other children and looking after play equipment.
Playground Buddy Training takes place in the Autumn term with Mrs. Katie Mullin and Mrs. Doreen Barrett. This is a very responsible role and it is also an enjoyable one.
St Patrick’s Primary School, 171 Newtownsaville Rd, Eskra, Omagh BT78 2RJ
T: 028 8284 1067 | E: