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St Patrick's Primary School Eskra

News - Nature Rangers Club - Years 3 and 4

22nd Sep 2024
During the second session of Nature Rangers, P.3 collaborated in groups to construct...

2023/2024 School Year

22nd Mar 2024
We finished our term of Nature Rangers by having a treat day.  We cooked popcorn...
26th Feb 2024
This week we completed a science experiment by creating our own water filter.  
19th Feb 2024
To celebrate the beginning of the 3rd term of Nature Rangers we made a fire and...
6th Feb 2024
This week the children took part in a scavenger hunt.  We then made bird feeder...
29th Jan 2024
This week the children used their natural environment to create  self-portraits. ...
22nd Jan 2024
On Monday the 15th of January these fabulous Nature Rangers started their session...
11th Jan 2024
P3 and P4 explored our outdoor environment, noticing the frost, it's impact and it's...
23rd Nov 2023
This week we learned how to whittle.  We used hack sacks and vegetable peelers...
7th Nov 2023
Today during our Nature Rangers we built dens.  Using bamboo canes, tarps and...